Hi, I'm Pratik 👋


I'm an Analyst and Builder

Hi, I'm Pratik 👋

I'm an Analyst and Builder


About Me

Hey there! 👋

Markdown Monster icon

I’m Pratik, and I’m all about the exciting world of tech, video games, art, and game development. I’m also a bit of a data geek. But, my biggest passion is creating platforms that empower and support creative individuals on their journey to success, all while making their lives a little bit easier.

I’m on a mission to make the world a better place, one of the motivations behind me building IndieFold, a project I proudly launched to champion and nurture creativity in the Indie game dev community. Connect with me on this adventure, where games and art meet, and together, we’ll shape a brighter, more creative world.


Portfolio - All the stuff I’ve worked on.

White Papers - Technical writing I’ve done.

Work Experience - Where I’ve worked